Join the MPNA Green Team in attending the free Propagation and Rose Pruning class at Buchanan's Native Plant store in the Heights on Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 10 to 11 am. The rose pruning demonstration will be at St. Andrews Church, 1831 Heights Blvd, following the propagation class.
Our goal is to get more folks comfortable with pruning the roses on our esplanades. Valentine's Day (mid-February) is the typical date to start rose pruning, assuming the weather is appropriate.
If interested, we can carpool to Buchanan's for the propagation seminar followed by the rose pruning demo, or you're welcome to meet us there.
MEET: To carpool, meet us at the Covenant Church parking area (please park on the street). Drive time is approximately 20 minutes so please plan to meet at 9:15 AM to allow time to arrive and save seating.
RSVP: If you can join us, please RSVP YES below by registering your email.
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Following the class, we will tackle the rose bushes at Southmore & Caroline; Blodgett & Crawford; Binz & Crawford - or meet at a later date, weather pending. Please bring your own sharpened and cleaned pruners, wear long sleeves and pants for protection and leather gloves if you have them (those thorns are sharp!).
Copyright 2024 Museum Park Neighborhood AssociationThe Museum Park Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in Houston Texas.