Almeda Corridor Community Parking Plan (June 15 Meeting)
Parking Management is hosting a meeting June 15 to update residents in the Almeda Corridor area, Southmore (s), Chenevert (w), Wentworth (n), 288 (e), regarding plans to improve parking issues for the residents. Restrictions including no parking after certain hours, timed limited parking, etc. are under consideration.
Streets that currently have Residential Permit Parking during certain hours of the day may retain their status or opt into the new CPP.
If your street is impacted by the changes, you will be able to secure annual parking passes to use when friends or service providers are parking in front of your home. Those impacted by the Almeda Corridor CPP that have provided their email address to ParkHouston have received an invitation to the meeting.
Those impacted by the parking plan that have provided their email address to ParkHouston have received an invitation to the meeting.
If you would like to attend this public meeting, please email your request to

Museum Park Community Parking Plan Update
Parking Management will be adding parking restrictions (parking meters or time-limited parking regulations) on Museum Park streets primarily near the Boone Manor/Museo Plaza projects. If parking changes are proposed for your street, letters from ParkHouston will be going out sometime in June indicating the slated changes.
If your street is impacted by the changes, you will be able to secure annual parking passes to use when friends or service providers are parking in front of your home.
The proposed changes cover multiple blocks primarily in and around the Boone Manor/Museo Plaza projects. If you receive a letter, please carefully evaluate and discuss the changes with your neighbors as those changes are designed to make the quality of life of all residents better.
Noise Update from At-Large 5 Council Member Sallie Alcorn
CM Alcorn was unable to attend the MPNA June meeting but sent the following report:
Council Member Alcorn continues to meet with Administration and Regulatory Affairs department (ARA) Director Tina Paez and ARA staff as well as staff from the city's legal department to collaborate and narrow in on proposed changes to Chapter 30 of the city's code of ordinances related to noise and sound level regulation. Such revisions to Chapter 30 include changing the location of the sound measurement from the property line of the complainant to the property line of the person/business emitting the sound. As I have also mentioned before, we have been looking closely at how to strengthen the annual permit process. Things are not yet set in stone, but ARA and the legal department are working to come up with a proposed annual permit program/process to possibly be required for certain businesses/establishments that amplify sound outdoors. This includes those with speakers outside as well as those businesses whose indoor music and bass levels can be heard outside. After a certain number of verified complaints, they may be subject to an administrative hearing. As the hospitality industry has been hit hard this last year with COVID-19, I am working with the departments to make sure we get that definition/classification of those who shall be required to purchase a permit as narrowed in as possible to limit the negative impact on these businesses, especially the good-actors.
Now that all parties from the city (ARA, legal and our office) have agreed upon such proposed changes/direction, the next step is to schedule stakeholder meetings. In partnership with affected district council members, I have provided a list of potential stakeholders to be included in those meetings. These individuals represent super neighborhoods, community groups as well as industry, from small business bar and restaurant owners to the Greater Houston Restaurant Association. Staff and I are checking in nearly daily with the ARA and legal departments to keep this ball rolling and hope to see the first stakeholder meeting scheduled by the end of June. After a couple rounds of stakeholder meetings, the proposed changes will be solidified and brought before the Regulatory and Neighborhood Affairs (RNA) council committee before moving forward to the council agenda.
HPD Report
Commander Caroleta Johnson and Sgt. Chris Weiche attended the June 2 MPNA meeting to update the neighborhood regarding the Crime Statistics in the 10H70 Beat which includes Museum Park. Overall crime is down May 2021 vs. May 2020 by 29%. Commander Johnson is working collaboratively with CM Evans-Shabazz, the Houston Southeast Management District and area businesses to address nuisance issues, including bar noise, traffic, parking, and drunken behavior.
Livable Places Action Committee
The City of Houston's Livable Places Action Committee continues meeting monthly. The next meeting is scheduled for June 15, 3:00 p.m. You can find the link to the upcoming virtual meeting, read articles regarding topics the committee is addressing, and give input here.
At the June meeting the committee will be addressing ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Units). If you have questions or wish to make a comment, go to:

Moonshot Composting
Moonshot Composting has partnered with Covenant Church to provide a means of turning your food scraps into compost that will enhance the beautiful plantings at Covenant Church. You can subscribe to Moonshot’s services here
Mark Your Calendar
June 11: Asia Society Tiger Ball (No Neighborhood Street Closures)
July: No MPNA meeting.
October 5: National Night Out
December: MPNA Members Holiday Dinner (Be sure to join/renew your membership) to receive an invitation to this popular event.