Special Guest Dr. Stephen Klineberg
Dr. Stephen Klineberg, Rice University professor, nationally known demographics expert, sociologist, and Museum Park neighbor, was the special guest of the Museum Park Neighborhood Association at the November 3 meeting.
View Presentation of Special Guest, Dr. Stephen KlinebergDr. Klineberg has been shaping local thought on the ongoing changes in the Houston metropolitan region for almost 40 years. Through his work on the “Kinder Houston Area Survey,” he has tracked the economic outlooks, demographic patterns, experiences and beliefs of local Houston residents for 40 years. His widely acclaimed book “Prophetic City: Houston on the Cusp of a Changing America” was published in 2020.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, you can view his presentation HERE.
Neighborhood Traffic Management Program
Museum Park Residents within a ½ mile radius of proposed speed cushions designed to improve traffic safety recently received a written notice from the Transportation and Drainage Office regarding these installations. You will find a copy of the letter, response form, and corrected map of proposed speed cushions HERE. The initial notice indicated speed cushions would be placed on San Jacinto. However, the corrected map indicates they will instead be placed on Caroline. This correction may impact your comments.
You can submit written comments to Public Works till November 19 by returning the form received in the notice or by using the link HERE. Please note that the phone number in the Public Notice does not work. However, questions may be directed to Valerie Luna, CPM, Outreach Coordinator, Transportation and Drainage Operations, valerie.luna@houstontx.gov, 832-395-2948.

Crime Concerns in Museum Park
At the recent Museum Park Super Neighborhood meeting, Commander Caroleta Johnson reported crime statistics for Beat 10H70, which includes Museum Park. The report shows a spike of 31% in Burglary of Motor Vehicles over October 2020. Please follow the recommendations of HPD to protect yourself as much as possible from being the victim of a BMV.

MPNA Officers Elected at November 3 Meeting
The 2021 Officers and Standing Committee Chairs for MPNA were elected at the November meeting. They include: Sandy Stevens, President; Pam Campbell, Vice-President; Greg Quintero, Secretary; Cynthia Tang, Treasurer; Bill Powell, Parliamentarian; Louis Selig, Membership; Cindy Woods, Community Engagement; Kim Mickelson, Infrastructure and Quality of Life; Joselyn Thomas, Safety and Security. Three Museum Park residents, Kathleen O’Reilly, Sandy Stevens, and Bill Powell were elected to serve as representatives to the Museum Park Super Neighborhood Council.
Additionally, President Sandy Stevens has appointed Cynthia Tang to serve as Website Administration Chair. Cynthia maintains our website keeping it updated and functioning smoothly. Cynthia will also continue to serve along with Jill Miller as co-chair of the Green Team Special Committee. Additional appointments include Cathy Ehlinger to work with Cindy Woods on Community Engagement and Lynn Dahlberg to assist with Membership Committee responsibilities.
One Committee Chair position, Preservation, remains unfilled. Please send an email to info@museumparkna.org if you have interest in serving in this position or simply want to obtain additional information.