Requests from Museum Park Super Neighborhood regarding construction of high-rise apartment building to be constructed at Caroline and Oakdale:
- Provide glass reflectivity numbers.
- Provide written assurance that the park will be open to the public.
- Confirm if materials from existing structures being demolished will be recycled and/or reused per the project's pursuit of LEED certification.
- Provide a letter of commitment and parking plan for construction period that stipulates all construction workers will be restricted to off-site parking and that Hines will work with the community to restrict street parking. Failure to do so will result in significant congestion within the neighborhood.
- Construction traffic ingress and egress should be routed along major thoroughfares. All effort should be made to route traffic via Fannin and San Jacinto and avoid use of the heavily residential portion of Southmore from Caroline to Highway 288.
- Confirm that this project falls within the guidelines of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. In addition to complying with all SWPPP standards, we request that the project:
- Establish reasonable construction hours (please let us know in advance what is anticipated.)
- Establish a reasonable construction workweek (please let us know in advance what is anticipated).
- Avoid allowing construction trucks to idle while waiting to load and unload.
- Avoid allowing construction trucks to block drives and streets for any length of time.
- Provide waste receptacles for workers to avoid trash blowing through the neighborhood.
- Establish and enforce a construction worker code of ethics to avoid 'cat calling," smoking, drinking alcohol, and to require proper attire outside the site yet within the immediate neighborhood.
- Communicate in a timely manner with surrounding buildings and neighbors should utility service be interrupted temporarily or street access be interrupted temporarily so preparations can be made.
- Perform frequent cleanup of streets to remove mud and construction debris.
- Repair any street damage that might occur as a result of additional wear to streets not designed to handle vehicle loads required for large construction projects.
- Coordinate with other neighborhood stakeholders who will have constructions projects occurring simultaneously, particularly Museum of Fine Arts Project slated for 2015.
- Work with Museum Park Neighborhood to support their ongoing efforts to improve the Museum Park medians. During construction protect the Caroline median across from the ‘Southmore,’ and in consultation with MPNA provide improvements to the median, post-construction.